Hugh Marshall SC
Tel: +61 2 9233 7711
Fax: +61 2 9232 8975
Called to the Bar: 1983
“Pre-eminent common law silk”
Hugh Marshall SC was called to the Bar in 1983 and appointed Senior Counsel in 2003. He has appeared in numerous significant cases, both at trial and on appeal, involving the interpretation and application of the Civil Liability Act
These cases primarily concern personal injury resulting from industrial accidents, occupiers’ liability, medical and professional negligence as well as motor vehicle accidents. He has also appeared in numerous cases involving historic sexual abuse, product liability and liability of institutions and authorities for breach of statutory and common law duties. During his career, he has held a Commission in the Army Reserve (Legal Corps), conducting many Courts Martial and Boards of Enquiries. He has served as a Councillor of the NSW Bar Association and has been a member of a Professional Conduct Committee for many years. Hugh has also presented at numerous legal seminars and conferences and is involved in the teaching of Advocacy for the NSW Bar Association.