Jack Shand Chambers was established in 1993, born out of a desire by Barry Toomey KC and others to establish the leading floor of common law barristers in New South Wales.
At that time, Jack Shand Chambers was formed with New South Wales’ pre-eminent common law barristers, including John Gleeson KC, Colin O’Connor KC, William Kearns SC, Desmond Kennedy SC, Colin Charteris SC and Hayden Kelly SC. The chambers were named after the late John (Jack) Wentworth Shand QC (1897-1959), in honour of his formidable skill as a trial advocate and mastery of the art of cross-examination.
To this day, Jack Shand Chambers continues to be the leading floor of common law barristers in New South Wales, with barristers practising in all jurisdictions and practice areas.
Over the years, many members of Jack Shand Chambers have been appointed Judges of various Courts and Tribunals, including the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, the District Court of NSW, the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW and the Dust Diseases Tribunal of NSW.
Today, Jack Shand Chambers comprises 8 Senior Counsel and 24 Junior Counsel. The members of Jack Shand Chambers are widely recognised as some of Australia’s leading advocates, both at trial and appellate level.
Head of Chambers is Mr David Hooke SC. Clerk of Chambers is Mr Stephen Upton.
Jack Shand Chambers comprises 7 Senior Counsel and 25 Junior Counsel, who practise in all jurisdictions and practice areas. The members of Jack Shand Chambers are widely recognised as some of Australia’s leading advocates, both at trial and appellate level.
PHONE: +61 2 9233 7711
FAX: +61 2 9232 8975
For general enquiries and more information.
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