Dominic Toomey SC
Tel: +61 2 9233 7711
Fax: +61 2 9232 8975
Called to the Bar: 1999

Dominic Toomey SC was called to the Bar in 1999 and appointed Senior Counsel in 2015. He appears both at trial and on appeal, in many areas of practice, including common law, contract, equity, crime and insurance law. He specialises in all areas of tort law, including medical and other professional negligence, major personal injury and intentional torts. He also appears in coronial inquests and administrative law matters.
Dominic has appeared in many cases involving the application of interstate and foreign law, and regularly appears in interstate trial and appellate courts. He has appeared as lead counsel in many significant appeals, including in the High Court of Australia in the leading case on police powers of arrest (State of NSW v Robinson [2019] HCA 46).
Dominic is the current Vice-President of the Australian Bar Association.
He has also been a councillor of the NSW Bar Association for almost all of his years at the Bar, serving as Honorary Secretary of the Association for part of that period and for many years as a member of the Association’s Finance Investment and Audit Committee. He has served also on the Common Law Committee and is presently the chair of both a Professional Conduct Committee and the Costs and Fees Committee. He currently serves as the Junior Vice President of the Association.
Personal Assistant - Melissa Pereira
Tel: +61 2 9233 7711